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Hallettsville, Texas
100% hog eradication of sounder #1 completed on February 18, 2015.
The original sounder #1 consisted of 6 sows, 2 boars, and 9 juvenile hogs. A total of 17 hogs made up sounder #1. We were able to remove one sow before she had her litter, one boar and the 9 juveniles on February 5th. The remaining 5 sows, 1 boar, and 16 piglets were removed February 17th. The remaining 12 piglets were removed February 18th. The 5 sows that went missing for several weeks had a total of 26 piglets. The original sounder of 17 individuals nearly tripled in 2 weeks time due to 5 sows having their litters. A total of 45 hogs were removed in 3 trappings using the same enclosure over 6 weeks time. During the 6 weeks of trapping, the landowner decided to build a barn on the property. We also did some renovations on 2 of the landowners ponds during this time frame, which can be seen on our erosion control page. Vehicle traffic and human presence on the property may have lengthened the time it took us to capture sounder #1.
For those of you who have been following our progress, you might be wondering what happened to sounder #2. Sounder #2 was located in an area where the landowner decided to build a barn. We located this sounder prior to the start of the construction. However, sounder #2 has not been seen since the start of the construction. Vehicle traffic and human presence in the area may have moved this sounder off the property. We will continue to monitor bait holes around the property to see if sounder #2 or any new sounders move into the area.
Sounder #1 Captured
February 17th, 2015
But we still have some work to do. According to our February 10th photo, we are still missing some piglets. We are unsure how many piglets remain, but we do know at least 3 piglets remain. We are confident that we removed all of the older pigs, so the remaining piglets should show up soon. By removing all of the older pigs, also known as dumbing down the herd, the remaining piglets should have no problem entering the enclosure. As to why these 5 sows have been missing for several weeks, we now know that they were off having their litters. Trap was rebaited..... Waiting for more piglets to show up |
February 5th, 2015
Thursday The large sow and boar from sounder #1 entered the trap with 9 juveniles. The sow was the last one to enter the enclosure. The M.I.N.E. Gate was dropped via text message at 8:15pm. |
January 23rd, 2015
Friday -Every night we have had 12 to 13 individuals from sounder #1 enter the enclosure. The three large sows and boar have not been seen since we built the enclosure. -About to place bait at site #3 to see if we can locate the rest of sounder #1 and sounder #2. -We will not drop the gate on the 12-13 individuals from sounder #1 until we locate the rest of the sounder. January 13th, 2015
Tuesday -Built enclosure on site number 2 -Rebaited sites 2 and 3 -Hogs at number 3 at 7:05pm-7:49. Sounder number 2. 5 individuals |
January 12th, 2015
Monday -Introduce trap gate and 2 panels -Rebait sites number 2 and 3 -Hogs at number 1 at 5:54pm-6:05pm. 1:48am-2:33am. Sounder number 1. 9 individuals -Hogs at number 2 at 6:28pm-6:55pm, 2:47am-3:38am. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals -Hogs at number 3 at 2:29am-3:49am. Sounder number 2. 6 individuals |
January 11th, 2015
Sunday night -Hogs at number 1 at 4:45pm. Sounder number 3. 9 individuals -Rebaited site numbers 1,2,3 -Hogs at number 1 at 8:44pm-10:37pm. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals -Hogs at number 1 at 3:21am-5:14am. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals -Hogs at number 2 at 11:47pm-12:02am. Sounder number 1. 9 individuals -Hogs at number 3 at 8:34pm-9:02pm. Sounder number 2. 6 individuals January 10th, 2015
Saturday night -Hogs at number 1 at 6:02pm-10:11pm. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals -Hogs at number 2 at 2:22am-4:07am. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals |
January 9th, 2015
-Friday we set up a feeder at bait site #2 and rebaited site #1. Access was limited to bait site #1 so we opted to place our feeder at bait site #2 -Hogs at site # 2 at 8:49pm-10:08pm, 1:08am-2:16am. Sounder number 1. 17 individuals |
January 8th, 2015
We rebaited the camera sites Thursday morning. -Thursday night sounder #1 hit bait site #1 again. This time we were able to identify 17 individuals in sounder #1. Once the corn was gone at bait site #1, sounder #1 moved to bait site #2. |
January 6th, 2015
We set up 5 bait sites Tuesday afternoon (January 6th). We placed I.C.E. Cameras and Stealth Cams over each bait hole and baited them with corn. -Tuesday night we were able to identify our first sounder (sounder #1) as they moved from bait site #5 to bait site #3. Sounder #1 consists of one large sow with a black chin strap and 5 juveniles. |